hi im qhri :3

they/she • bi • trans • girlflux

links: pronouns.ccmastodonlistenbrainzlast.fmdiscogsbandcamp

i like music (metal and alt/indie stuff) and open source software

i'm especially a fan of extreme metal with classical/symphonic influences

exmortus is my favorite metal band of all time ever. i love all their albums (except beyond the fall of time, it sucks. like i see the vision but it was not executed well). probably their best overall album is the sound of steel

gloire eternelle by first fragment is literally the most beautiful metal album i have ever heard. literally go listen to it right now. stop reading this and go listen to it. right at this very moment

also dehumanaut is pretty good and their guitarist/bassist is trans so like. shoutout

the band that got me into alt/indie stuff has since been exposed for some very bad stuff, so i wont be talking about them here

i like stuff from good kid, phoneboy, idkhow, the happy fits, and a bunch of other artists that i only know like one song from. also ive been getting into billie eilish lately

guides i made for myself and you might also find useful maybe

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